The free version of this product includes a watermark under the barcode.
I have generated bar-code with same data here and I am able to read this bar-code through my mobile app for 2D bar-code scanner.
#Pdf417 generator code code
This error correction allows the symbol to withstand some damage without causing loss of data.
#Pdf417 generator code pdf
PDF417 uses Reed Solomon error correction instead of check digits. PDF 417 barcode generator create 2d bar code font PDF417 barcodes creator software make 2d bar codes coupons labels databar barcode maker program generate data bar bar code coupon barcoding system design two dimensional sticker tags bar coding systems. Call the setCodeText() method to set the data you want to encode.Call the setSymbologyType() method and pass PDF417.It was developed by Symbol Technologies (1989-1992) and is currently maintained by ANSI/AIM USA. output generated barcode to Bitmap objectīitmap barcodeInBitmap = barcode.Portable Data File 417 (PDF417) is a two-dimensional stacked barcode symbology capable of encoding over a kilobyte of data per label. output generated barcode to Graphics object
other barcode outputting ways: // output generated barcode to byte array byte barcodeInBytes = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes() ImageFormat.Png barcode.drawBarcode( "C://barcode-pdf417-csharp.png") Numeric Compatication mode encodes numeric digits 0 through 9 */ barcode.DataMode = PDF417DataMode.Auto //Set the Error Correction Level(ECL) to PDF417 //Disenable the Truncated option to PDF417 symbology barcode.ECL = PDF417ECL.ECL_4 barcode.Truncated = false //Set the number of rows and columns to PDF417 barcode.RowCount = 9 barcode.ColumnCount = 6 //Enable the option of ProcessTilde when the tilde character "~" is necessary barcode.ProcessTilde = true //Set the PDF417 barcode graphic measurements as Pixel barcode.GraphicsUnit = .Pixel //Assign the values of bar module width to PDF417 barcode barcode.X = 2 // Customize PDF417 barcode symbol size barcode.BarCodeWidth = 350 barcode.BarCodeHeight = 70 //Set the margins around the PDF417 barcode symbology barcode.LeftMargin = 4 barcode.RightMargin = 4 barcode.TopMargin = 4 barcode.BottomMargin = 4 /* Set the resolution of PDF417 barcode image that is drawn to, and change the PDF417 barcode image orientation */ barcode.Resolution = 72 barcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0 /* Set PDF417 barcode drawing image format to PNG in C# Generate PDF417 barcode image in C# */ barcode.Format = System.Drawing. Bytes Compatication mode encodes all 256 byte values of ASCII 3. Text Compaction mode encodes values 9,10,13 & 32-127 of ASCII 2. barcode.CodeText = "Abc1234567" /* Choose DataMode for PDF417 barcode that is going to generate, 1. Create a new PDF417 barcode object in C#.NET, PDF417 barcode = new PDF417() //Assign the data that are encoded into PDF417 barcode symbology.